Thursday, January 13, 2011

First Official Hair Cut!

Sorry for the lack in posts lately.  I promise to hopefully get the blog caught up sometime over the next week.  That being said I couldn't resist posting about Hayden's first hair cut experience from last weekend, oh and I've had grandparents being for pictures of it.  We decided to take Hayden to a local salon, Toadly Kool, they tailor just to toddlers and kids.  Hayden had so much fun, he got to drive the jeep stool and watch Cars while getting his hair cut.  He did awesome and they awarded him with a certificate at the end along with a lock of his hair for the scrap book.  I would recommend them to anyone in the Savannah area looking for a kid friendly hair cut, they are so friendly and do an awesome job.




I couldn't resist throwing in this one from later in the day.  I was cooking dinner when I looked down and found Hayden coloring so cutely.  I just love this little guy!