Monday, June 22, 2009

A Day in The Life of Hayden @ 7 weeks

Preston's mom, Connie, just posted this on her family blog so, I thought I'd move a copy of it over here for all of you to enjoy. We did this on one of her last days here, on which we drove up to Hilton Head, SC. Thanks Connie!

Hayden loves bath-time - it's a great way to start the day!

Getting lots of hugs and kisses makes getting dried off more enjoyable.

Now that Hayden's bathed and dressed, he naps so mom can get ready too.

Still sleeping but it's time to go, so into his car seat he goes...

Waking up and starting to smile... Oh Boy! We're driving!
Hayden loves going places in the car!!!

Patiently waiting in the car with mom...

Hayden's in a very happy mood...

There are lots of things to smile, wave, coo and goo about...

Seeing downtown Savannah from a new point of view...

More hugs and kisses...

Then back in the car seat he goes.

While mom drives, Hayden loves smiling at himself in his own little mirror!

It's lunch time so mom eats while Hayden takes a nap.

Still sleeping, but now that mom's full it's about time to wake up...

Awake and smiling again after lunch and a diaper change!

Posing for a Hilton Head picture with Grandma Connie.

At the outlet mall, Hayden's in his stroller and mom's headed towards the stores.

Learning early that boy's have to wait and be patient while girls shop...

Starting to get hungry again, but patiently taking in the Gap
while mommy tries on clothes.

Feeling content after mom took a feeding break in the dressing room.
Just before majorly spitting up on Grandma!

Finally done shopping and ready to go home, after a change of everything! Good thing mommy brought a changing pad and plenty of spares. (She knew her Coach diaper bag would come in handy!)

At home, Hayden likes watching mom open the mail.

Then it's time for bed after a an exciting day.

It's always good to get rocked to sleep at night.

Ah Oh. In the morning Trigger's on the bed with Hayden and mommy... that means daddy must not be around!

Looking around... wonder what's going to happen today?

Being adorable and smiling at mommy!

What was that??? Hayden's not quite sure what he thinks about Trigger giving him a good-morning kiss...

Oh well... maybe it means it's time for another bath :)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fort Pulaski

While Ashlee and Grandma Connie were here visiting we went out to Ft. Pulaski, an old civil war battle site. Ft. Pulaski is one of the few memories Preston has from growing up in Savannah. He remembers his mom taking him there often to see the cannons.

Preston, Connie and Rhianne

Connie, Ashlee and Preston by an old cannon.

Hayden slept the whole time we were at Ft. Pulaski. The only time he awoke was for a brief few seconds after they let off the cannons. What a trooper!

Old civil war flag flying over Ft. Pulaski

Our Latest Visitors

Finally I'm posting again. We've been so busy the last few weeks entertaining our visitors and exploring Savannah. Preston's mom Connie and his sister Ashlee come to visit us for a few weeks. They were so excited to meet Hayden and see if Savannah was still as great as they remembered from years ago. We had a great time while they were here and are sad to see them leave. With all the visitors lately it has made us really appreciate our family and wish that we lived closer to all of them back in Utah.

Hayden smiling at Grandma Connie

Connie and Ashlee

Hayden's all snug in his Moby wrap while we shopped on River Street.

Ashlee has many memories of visiting River Street Sweets as a child.

Ashlee and Hayden just adored each other.

Preston showed us around the helicopter hanger after work.

Picnic at Forsyth Park

Grandma Connie just loved cuddling with our little boy.

Of course I had to sneak one in of Connie playing with Trigger.

Tybee Beach

Last week we toke Hayden out for a day of fun in the sun at Tybee Beach. He didn't actually get in since I was worried it might be a little too cold for him. Although he did love sleeping the day away under our beach umbrella. He was such a good sport and we will definitely be heading back to the beach soon.