Friday, July 30, 2010


While Preston was home we  had the opportunity to take Hayden to his first amusement park, Lagoon.  Hayden absolutely loved anything with a steering wheel or something he could move by himself.  He wasn't so sure about the speedier rides, he never cried but I can't say he had a look of enjoyment on his face.  Guess Disney World is going to have to wait just a little while longer.

Hayden's first ride, Kontiki.

Riding the carousel with Aunt Brady and Grandpa.

Waiting in line with daddy for his first boat ride.

The boats were a big hit!

All the family watching Hayden ride the boats.  I think he's going
to miss all this attention.

Aunt Brady and Hayden being goofy giving high fives.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


We recently were able to have Preston home for a few weeks earlier this month.  I especially loved hearing Hayden's laughter as his daddy played with him.  Hayden and I just loved having Preston around.  The time though went way to fast and we are now anxiously awaiting this fall when Preston will be home for good.

Patiently waiting for daddy to arrive.

Hayden taking a nap with daddy.

The Dean men all together again.

Daddy look at this!

Helping daddy pack one last time.

Goodnight kisses, we love you.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Momma's Handy Helper

Hayden has loved getting in to all the tools lately as we've had them out doing various things around the house.  He loves watching and copying everything we do.  Becoming such a great little helper whenever mommy needs him.

Family fun in Gunnison

We were recently able to make a trip down to Gunnison along with some of Preston's siblings.  We were all able to stay at Grandma and Grandpa Shurtz's home.  They have such a gorgeous backyard which Hayden just loved playing in.  They also had some chickens, which Hayden's not so sure about.  While we were down there we attended the Manti pageant which was lots of fun.  Also Grandma Connie and her husband Craig were able to be sealed together in the temple.  Afterwords we were all able to meet at a local park for a wonderful lunch, where we all enjoyed being together.  Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Shurtz for letting us all crash at your home.

Feeding the chickens with Grandma Connie.

Watching the chickens again with Grandpa Shurtz.

Playing with Britney at Grandma's.

Waiting patiently at the temple for everyone else to finish up.

Craig and Grandma Connie after being sealed outside the temple.

Hayden found the goodies.

Brandi, Connie, and Ashlee all looking absolutely gorgeous.

Uncle Seth helping Hayden with a much needed drink of water.

Over due update

I'm really late getting these up but, I still wanted to share what Hayden's been up to.  As I've said previously Hayden is now walking.  He was slow starting still preferring to crawl for about a week after taking his first step.  But, once he had some practice he was off.  He's into everything now and I'm constantly saying or hearing others tell him no, or how did you get up there.  In fact just today I watched him figure out how to climb up on the kitchen chair all on his own.  Who knows what this new discovery is going to bring.  Hayden loves spending time outside whether it's cruising around in the jogging stroller, being pulled in his wagon, or just playing out in the dirt. He's also finally figured out how to throw the ball for Trigger and they are enjoying playing a little more together.  We've made it out to the pool a few times and after being a little shy at first, he now jumps right in.  Hayden is certainly keeping me on my toes and making the days go by extremely fast.  We are getting excited to see daddy in only a few short day hopefully.

 Hayden helping himself to some watermelon.

Giving Grandma Connie lots of kisses.

Hayden loves using his chair to look out the window.